Hi Students, falling behind? Here are all of the questions from the Hobbit. If you are missing a couple chapters on Skyward just do answer them and turn them in.- Reeves under the mountain
Study Questions for “The Hobbit”
Chapter 1: "An Unexpected Party"
1. Describe what is discovered about Bilbo Baggins. Discuss the appearance of the hobbits and what you learned about the hobbit homes.
2. Make an analysis of the character Gandalf?
3. Why do the dwarves gather at Bilbo Baggins' house? Explain how the dwarves lose their treasure and kingdom.
4. Describe Bilbo Baggins reaction to the plan of the dwarves. Infer as to why Bilbo reacts in this manner. Provide textual evidence to support your answer.
5. What changed Bilbo's mind about the adventure?
6. Explain the dwarfs’ apprehension in Gandalf's choice.
Chapter 2: "Roast Mutton"
1. Explain how Bilbo’s feeling about the adventure was a contrast to the day before.
2. Why didn't Bilbo find the note which the dwarves had left for him until Gandalf appeared?
3. Give an explanation as to why the wizard disappeared.
4. Discuss the troubles of the first night and the adventure with the trolls.
5. Determine and explain if Bilbo proved to be a good burglar in his attempt to pick the pocket of the troll. Provide evidence from the text that supports your answer.
6. What kind of characters are the trolls? Explain how Bilbo knew they were trolls.
7. Describe the fight and wizard's reappearance.
Chapter 3: "A Short Rest"
1. Explain why Rivendell was so difficult to locate.
2. Analyze the character of Elrond and his importance to the story. What did Bilbo and the dwarves learn?
4. Describe the moon-letters. What significance do they hold?
5. Elrond read the map for Gandalf and Thorin. Do you feel the message will be of any value?
Chapter 4: "Over Hill and Under Hill"
1. Describe how this part of the journey was apt to be very dangerous.
2. How was the storm different from storms you may have been in?
3. Explain why Fili and Kili go to look for better shelter. Why did the wizard ask them if they had thoroughly searched the cave?
4. Determine why it was a good thing that Bilbo was with the adventurers the night of the storm.
5. The goblins captured Bilbo and the dwarves but Gandalf escaped. Explain, why wasn't he captured?
6. Describe the ways the goblins treat their captives. Explain what you have learned about the goblins.
7. Explain the Great Goblins reaction when he discovered the sword.
8. Describe what you think happened to make Bilbo and the dwarves' escape possible. Explain what part "Biter and Beater" played in the escape.
9. Explain what made it possible for the goblins to sneak up on the dwarves again. Describe what happened to the hobbit this time.
Chapter 5: "Riddles in the Dark"
1. Analyze the author's view, "I should not have liked to have been in Mr. Baggins' place." Explain what he meant. How would you have felt in the hobbit's place -- lost in the dark, and trotting into ice cold water?
Name: _______________________________
2. Explain how Bilbo knew his sword was made by elves.
3. Evaluate why it was good that Bilbo lost his matches. Provide textual evidence.
4. Based on the text, what inference can be made about the character of Gollum? Compare and contrast the characters of Gollum and Bilbo.
5. Make an evaluation if you believe the riddles are difficult. Are they good riddles? Why or why not?
6. After losing the riddle game, explain how Gollum paid his debt. What skills does Bilbo demonstrate in dealing with Gollum?
7. Describe how Gollum reacts when he couldn't find the ring. What was he afraid of? How did Gollum guess that Bilbo had the ring?
8. Explain how Bilbo discovers his way out of the cave.
9. Why do you believe Bilbo did not kill Gollum when he had the chance?
Chapter 6: "Out of the Frying-Pan into the Fire"
1. Bilbo overhears his friends talking; explain how the wizard feels about Bilbo.
3. Determine why you think Bilbo did not tell his friends about the magic ring.
4. Explain why the dwarves, having a wizard with them get into trouble with the goblins. Didn't the wizard know about the goblins?
5. Evaluate what the wizard thought about the rock slide that carried them down the mountain.
6. "Escaping goblins to be caught by wolves," said the hobbit. How does this explain the chapter title?
7. Provide a detailed explanation as to how the party managed to escape the Wargs, the evil wolves. Explain how Bilbo felt about Gandalf's rescue?
Chapter 7: “Queer Lodgings”
1. Summarize 4 major details that you learned about Beorn.
2. Explain where Beorn went the night that the adventurers were with him. Why?
3. Make a summarization of Beorn’s advice for the journey.
4. Determine the most important advice that Beorn and Gandalf gave the adventurers about
Mirkwood. Explain why you feel this is the most important. Provide evidence from the text.
5. Make an analysis of the reason why Gandalf left the adventurers. Make an inference if it was of much comfort to the dwarves to have the hobbit help them instead of having the wizard with them. Provide evidence from the text.
Chapter 8: “Flies and Spiders”
1. Describe what there was about the forest to fear.
2. After reading the Chapter, in your opinion, was the Mirkwood evil? Interpret what is meant by “evil."
3. Describe 4 dangers of the enchanted river. Summarize how the hobbit was helpful in crossing the river.
4. Make an analysis as to why the dwarves and Bilbo disregard Beorn’s warning and strayed from the path.
5. After Gandalf left, who became the leader of the expedition? Infer if this was a positive or negative for the group.
6. As the adventurers ran into the camp, explain why the elvish-looking fold disappeared.
7. Give an explanation as to how Bilbo became separated from the dwarves. Describe how Bilbo managed to escape the giant spiders. Was Bilbo of any help to the dwarves?
8. Give a description of each heroic act Bilbo performed.
9. After keeping the ring a secret from the rest, explain why Bilbo finally decides to divulge to the dwarves about the magic ring. Why do you think he hesitated to tell the dwarves about the ring?
10. Why was Thorin captured by the Wood-elves?
Name: _______________________________
Chapter 9: “Barrels Out of Bond”
1. Explain why the Wood-elves captured the dwarves, but failed to capture Bilbo.
2. Describe how Mr. Baggins got in and out of the closely guarded palace.
3. Provide an explanation for the necessity for Bilbo to continue burgling.
4. Make an analysis as to why Thorin and the dwarves did not tell the king why they were in the wood.
5. Give a detailed description of how Bilbo planned to help his friends escape. How did Bilbo escape?
6. Make an analysis of the importance of magic ring to Bilbo in this part of his adventure?
Chapter 10: “A Warm Welcome”
1. Give a description of how the dwarves survived the escape and the trip in the barrels. Explain why it was so important that Bilbo not be in a barrel.
2. When the dwarves reached Lake-town, describe how they were received by the Lake People.
3. Analyze the attitude of the dwarves toward Bilbo. Be sure to cite specific information from the text.
4. Explain Bilbo’s unhappiness at this point of the journey.
5. Make an analysis of how you believe the elf-king learned the reason for the dwarves’ adventure. Provide textual evidence to support your answer.
6. Why do you think the Master believed Thorin was a fraud? Explain what changed his mind.
7. Why was the Master not sorry to see them go?
Chapter 11: “On the Doorstep”
1. Describe the feelings of the party as they near the end of their journey.
2. Explain what had happened to the village near the Mountain.
3. What was the danger in searching for the secret door to the dragon’s den?
4. Describe how the secret door was discovered and by whom.
Chapter 12: “Inside Information”
1. Bilbo believed that, “dwarves are not heroes, but calculating fold with a great idea of the value of money; some are tricky and treacherous and pretty bad lots; some are not, but are decent enough people like Thorin and Company, if you don’t expect too much.” Interpret the meaning in what Bilbo said and give some examples to support Bilbo’s point of view. What help did Bilbo ask of the dwarves?
2. On page 212, the narrator says that”…he was a very different hobbit from the one that had run out without a pocket-handkerchief from Bag-End long ago.” Describe how the little hobbit changed.
3. Make an inference as to why Bilbo Baggins was taking such risks when he had absolutely no use for the dragon-guarded treasures. Was Bilbo courageous? What does it take to be courageous?
4. Explain why Bilbo stole the cup. Do you think it was a wise thing to do? Should he have waited and not stirred up the dragon? Could the story have been quite different if he had had a plan to conquer the dragon?
5. How would you interpret Bilbo’s father’s proverb, “Every worm has his weak spot”? What is a proverb?
6. What techniques did Bilbo use on Smaug when he said, “O Smaug the Tremendous!…Smaug the Chiefest and Greatest of Calamities?”
7. Describe how Bilbo was able to talk to Smaug without getting hurt. Explain what Bilbo meant when he said, “I am the clue-finder, the web-cutter, the stinging fly. I was chosen for the lucky number…I am the friend of bears and the guest of eagles. I am Ringwinner and Luckwinner; and I am Barrel-rider.”
8. Why is it wise to use riddles with dragons?
9. What did you learn about dragons? Describe what character traits you would give to Smaug.
10. How was the dragon very much on target when he said, “…I will give you one piece of advice for you good: don’t have more to do with dwarves than you can help…your job is to do all the dangerous work…And you will get a fair share? Don’t you believe it…If you get off alive, you will be lucky”?
Chapter 13: “Not at Home”
1. Describe the character traits the treasure brought out in the dwarves. Make an inference as to why this occurred.
2. Make an inference as to Bilbo’s motives for slipping the Arkenstone into his pocket. What was his justification for doing this and was he correct in what he did?
Name: _______________________________
3. Make an analysis of how you believe “Mr. Baggins kept his head more clear of the bewitchment of the hoard than the dwarves did.”
Chapter 14: “Fire and Water”
1. Explain why Smaug went off to the lake-town of Esgaroth.
2. Describe what kind of a leader was the master of Esgaroth.
4. Explain how the thrush knew about the dragon’s most vulnerable spot.
5. Explain the argument the Master presented to the people that he remain the town leader rather than King Bard. In your opinion, and provide textual evidence to support your opinion, was he correct or not?
6. Describe Bard’s reaction after the defeat of the dragon and the destruction of the town. Compare this to that of the Master’s actions?
7. What purpose did Bard have going to the elves for help?
Chapter 15: “The Gathering of the Clouds”
1. Explain how Bilbo and the dwarves were warned about the approaching treasure hunters.
2. Make an analysis of the advice Roac gave to the adventurers.
3. Make an inference as to why you think Thorin would not listen to Roac. Provide textual evidence to support your claim.
4. Describe how the Lake-men and Bard approach Thorin and the dwarves.
5. Explain the argument Bard presented to Thorin and the dwarves. Explain, in detail, if his argument was sound.
6. What response did Thorin make? Infer as to how much you believe the Lake-men and elves would have shared if the dwarves and Bilbo had been killed by the dragon?
7. Compare Bilbo’s feelings toward the treasure and the dragon’s den to that of Thorin and the dwarves. What did Bilbo think the adventure was to be?
Chapter 16: “A Thief in the Night”
1. Describe Bilbo’s escape from the cave.
2. Explain Bilbo’s purpose in his escape from the cave.
3. What leverage did Bilbo have that made it possible to deal with Bard?
4. Why was Bilbo willing to give up the Arkenstone? Compare this generosity to that of other characters. (Were there others that were or willing to be as generous as Bilbo?)
5. What unexpected friend or acquaintance did Bilbo discover in Bard’s camp? Explain what was said to Bilbo?
Chapter 17: “The Clouds Burst”
1. Explain why Thorin was so angry at Bilbo. Was he justified in his anger? Provide evidence to support your answer.
2. Describe the terms of Thorin and Bard’s agreement.
3. In the Battle of the Five Armies, describe the participants.
4. Explain what stopped Thorin’s advancement.
5. Give a description of what sight made Bilbo’s heart leap. Explain how these characters have helped in the past.
Chapter 18: “The Return Journey”
1. Explain why Bilbo was unable to be found until the day after the battle.
2. Who won the battle? Give an explanation how they were able to gain victory.
3. Make an analysis of the lessons Thorin had learned. Infer as to why you believe Thorin and Bilbo parted as friends. Provide evidence for your response.
4. In your opinion, was it necessary for Thorin to die in this story? If you were the author, what other ending might there have been?
Chapter 19: “The Last Stage”
1. When Bilbo returned home, he did not receive the response that he had thought. Describe how Bilbo was received when he reached his hobbit-hole.
2. Analyze what Gandalf meant when he said, “You are not the hobbit that you were.”
3. Make an analysis of how Bilbo brought luck to the expedition.
Name: _______________________________
4. What inference can be made about the meaning of when Gandalf said, “Surely you don’t disbelieve the prophecies, because you had a hand in bringing them about yourself? You don’t really suppose, do you, that all your adventures and escapes were managed by mere luck, just for your sole…”
Bilbo Bloggins
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Roast Mutton
Worst...trip...ever. So we're hiking and hiking and it's raining and raining and I'm wishing I was at home with my pipe and my food. So tonight we were hungry and cold and we saw this light out in the distance. I guess since I'm the "Burglar" I was "elected" (forced via peer pressure) to go check it out. So I got there and just my luck...3 trolls. 3 trolls sitting around talking and eating mutton. I don't like mutton personally, and neither did they. They wanted something else. Well I was there so I tried to grab something out of one of their pockets. You guessed it, they caught me. Then the dwarfs came to help...caught them too. So we were all stuck in these bags, the trolls are talking about boiling us...then Gandalf showed up and bailed us out by delaying them til the sun rose. They turned to stone, pretty cool. We took their key up the hill, unlocked a door, found a bunch of cool old swords. I got me a dagger thingy...but for one of my size? It's a sword.
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
An Unexpected Party


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