Tuesday, October 30, 2012

An Unexpected Party

By far the weirdest day/night EVER. So I'm just chilling outside, smoking my pipe, and out of nowhere "Gandalf the Grey" shows up. I barely know the guy right? All I know is that he makes fireworks and knows magic. Anywho they guys like, "Bilbo, you need to leave the shire and go on an adventure." And I'm all, "you are kidding right? I'm like 3 foot nothing and have never left the shire." And he's all, "I know, that's the points. Let's DO this!" So I tell him no, invite him in for a drink but he takes off. Like 2 hours later I get a knock at the door. I figure it's Gandalf. NOPE! Turns out it's a couple of Dwarves. They just WALK IN and start eating my food. Free loaders! Another knock...2 more Dwarves. ANOTHER KNOCK and MORE DWARVES! Eventually I have 13 dwarves at my house tossing my plates around, singing, and being obnoxious. I believe their names were: Fili, Kili, Oin, Gloin, Thorin Oakenshield, Dwalin, Balin, Bifur, Bofur, Bombur, Dori, Nori, and Ori.Thorin seemed to be the leader. Anyways, Gandalf shows up again, gives me a contract pertaining to the adventure that we're supposed to go on and which I STILL haven't agreed to. Then they start talking about a mountain, and gold, and a dragon and I'm just sitting there scared out of my mind. Then I figured...what the Balrog...I'll go. Should be a good time. I'll update this blog whenever I can. I think the elves in Rivendel have wifi...they're all sorts of technologically advanced.


  1. In one of the books they say that they can send messages with magic. I guess in another spoken tongue it could be called IN-TER-NET
